About BCM Publishing
BCM Publishing Limited is a small business set up and run by me, Breda Courtney Murphy. (Hence the name BCM Publishing Ltd!)
I am a primary teacher with more than thirty five years experience. I spent all of my teaching career in Holy Cross Mercy School, Killarney.
As a Junior Infant teacher I spent many hours, days and weeks preparing activity sheets for my class. It was this that prompted me to set up my own business in 2015. My first publication was Start!, a Pre-Reading / Pre-Writing Workbook, independent of all reading schemes.
In 2019 I took the plunge and ‘followed my dream’, creating pre-prepared handwriting copies. I developed my own brand, Mrs Murphy’s Copies. A year later I made the big decision and retired from teaching to expand my business. It was a risk but one I’m glad to have taken. I now work from an office in my back garden in Killarney.
I have pre-prepared handwriting copies for Junior Infants – Sixth Class, maths copies for Junior Infants and Senior Infants and cóipleabhair lámhscríbhneoireachta for Gaelscoileanna and Gaeltacht schools, Naíonáin Shóisearacha – Rang 2.
All of my copies are widely available from most bookshops nationwide. They may also be purchased online from sales@edco.ie. (Edco is my distributor.)


You've been the answer to my prayers this year with both the handwriting and the maths copy.
Primary Teacher – Co. Galway

The Mrs Murphy handwriting copies have been a godsend! I will never have to dot a copybook again. My infants are making significant progress with their handwriting & they love taking these out everyday! These are a must on every school booklist!
Primary Teacher – South Tipperary

Mrs Murphy’s Copies ticked all the boxes for my Sixth Class – traceable examples, interesting activities, independent writing and price!